20% of students use loan money to invest in cryptocurrencies, top 5 cryptocurrency price changes, and more!

Study Indicates 20% Percent of Students Use Loan Money to Invest in Cryptocurrencies
The results of a recent study published by the Student Loan Report indicates that approximately 20 percent of students with loans have used loan money to invest in cryptocurrencies. According to News Channel 5 of Nashville, Tennessee, financial advisors generally discourage the act of using borrowed money to personally invest in cryptocurrency.
Recent Patent Application Suggest Cisco Is Developing Tools for Confidential Communications
Cisco is developing a tool for confidential group communications based on blockchain technology. According to CoinTelegraph, a recent patent application from Cisco to the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office outlines how blockchain can ensure more confidential and secure group messaging. The technology could also be applied to file sharing and auditing membership history.
Covesting Announces Beginning of Beta Testing
Covesting has announced the beginning of beta testing of its trading platform. In a press release, Covesting acknowledged that it selected 200 beta testers to explore the main features of the platform. Covesting completed its ICO in December 2017, and has claim to have kept pace with its roadmap thus far.
Source: ICO Alert