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Month: April 2018

cryptocurrency April 2, 2018

Advertisements General Idea Ubcoin wants to create a marketplace where people could exchange various goods for cryptocurrencies. More and more people are getting interested in these new digital coins, however there still not enough places to spend your crypto in and people prefer to acquire more and hold them, which is not what they were […]

cryptocurrency April 1, 2018

20% of students use loan money to invest in cryptocurrencies, top 5 cryptocurrency price changes, and more! Advertisements Study suggests approximately 20 percent of students with loans have used loan money to invest in cryptocurrencies. Image from Mooshny. Study Indicates 20% Percent of Students Use Loan Money to Invest in Cryptocurrencies The results of a recent study […]

cryptocurrency April 1, 2018

Vitalik Buterin has penned a new proposal that could lay the foundation for resolving one of the ethereum network’s biggest outstanding questions – whether a limit on the amount of ether that could be created would ever be set. Advertisements In a new ethereum improvement proposal (EIP) authored April 1, the cryptocurrency’s creator issued his […]