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cryptocurrency September 27, 2018

September 27, 2018 12:08 AM Advertisements The Dairy Farmers of America is piloting a blockchain solution to increase transparency in its supply chain. The Dairy Farmers of America (DFA) cooperative announced yesterday, September 25, a joint project with food technology and blockchain startup to pilot blockchain technology. Advertisements’s goal is to increase transparency […]

cryptocurrency September 27, 2018

September 27, 2018 10:00 PM Advertisements The case against My Big Coin moves forward. A US district judge has permitted the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) to move forward with a case involving alleged fraudulent fundraising activities committed by technology entrepreneur Randall Crater and the company he founded, My Big Coin (MBC). Advertisements In June […]

cryptocurrency September 26, 2018

September 26, 2018 6:05 PM Advertisements More than a week after Bitcoin Core released a client update that addressed a denial-of-service vulnerability and consensus bug in its software, most nodes are still running old software. That’s a problem. Over a week ago, someone found a bug in Bitcoin Core software – a denial-of-service vulnerability affecting […]

cryptocurrency September 26, 2018

September 26, 2018 10:03 PM Advertisements Some government officials in the East African country think blockchain technology can help fight corruption. The citizens of Kenya have long been forced to deal with corruption in almost every aspect of their daily lives. Advertisements There have been many reports of judges and other government officials allegedly demanding […]

cryptocurrency September 26, 2018

September 26, 2018 8:38 PM Advertisements Crypto finance company Circle has announced the launch of a stablecoin it hopes will become “usable everywhere the internet reaches.” Circle today announced the launch of its USD stablecoin (USDC). Plans for the token were first announced in May, during a funding round that secured investments from Goldman Sachs […]

cryptocurrency September 25, 2018

September 25, 2018 10:31 PM Advertisements The Interbank Information Network, hosted on JP Morgan’s Ethereum-based Quorum blockchain, now has 75 participating global banks benefiting from better data sharing using blockchain technology. On September 25, JP Morgan announced the expansion of its Interbank Information Network (IIN). Launched as a pilot in 2017, IIN’s original partners were […]

cryptocurrency September 25, 2018

September 25, 2018 11:49 PM Advertisements A new blockchain protocol might make the bidding process more secure and fair for all participants. A researcher at the University of Waterloo, in collaboration with Germany-based aircraft manufacturer Airbus, has developed a blockchain auction protocol intended to guarantee the confidentiality of bids and eliminate the chance of “nepotism […]