ICO Information
The main ICO will begin on January 30, 2018 and will end on March 30, 2018. There are a total of 200,000,000 ADM ADAMANT tokens (ADM) available during the main ICO, representing 49% of the total ADM supply. A hard cap of $30,000,000 is set for this period.
Token price ranges from 0.002 ETH tо 0.005 ETH for 1 ADM unit.
Please note: Accurate ADM token price for other cryptos is dynamically calculated based on the actual ETH price on the date of your purchase.

How to Participate
An investor will receive ADM tokens through an automatic system transfer to their wallet right after a payment have been received and confirmed by the processing network.
Current accepted currencies for ADAMANT include ETH, BTC, BCH, DASH, DOGE, LTC, XMR, ETC, ZEC, LSK. There is no cap on investment size.
Minimum investment: 2 ETH (or its equivalent in other cryptocurrencies)
Investment Bonuses:
● from 20 to 30 ETH: + 20% for total ADM gain volume
● from 30 to 50 ETH: + 30% for total ADM gain volume
● from 50 to 90 ETH: + 40% for total ADM gain volume
● more than 90 ETH: + 50% for total ADM gain volume
To legally participate in any ICO campaign a person must strictly conform with the legislation statements of their own resident country (for example — it is formally illegal for any USA or China resident to participate in any ICO campaign fundraising process with ADAMANT).
Token Information
There are a total 200,000,000 ADM tokens in existence, with 98,000,000 ADM available during main ICO.
Contributors will have their tokens distributed shortly after the end of the ICO. Visit the ADAMANT website for more information and the contribution address.
To give users the ability to freely try ADAMANT features, ICO investors are credited with a small amount of tokens during the wallet creation process:
● Total of 0.49 ADM until block number 6,300,000 (estimated at a time period of one year)— 98 free messages
The following wallets may not participate in the ADAMANT token distribution campaign:
1. All initial system wallets (ICO, investors rewards, Adoption, reserve wallets)
2. Wallets purchasing a balance of less than 10 ADM tokens
After their ICO campaign ends, the ADAMANT token (ADM) is planned to be listed for free trading on the following cryptocurrency markets: Livecoin, Yobit, Liqui, Bittrex.
All unsold tokens, previously dedicated for the ICO campaign, will be distributed among ADM owners — their wallet balances will proportionally grow by 5% monthly for an estimated period of one year after the ICO ends until the number of unsold ICO tokens reach depletion.
● Unsold ICO token distribution beginning: 04/11/2018
● Distribution period: monthly
● Growth percent: 5%
● Distribution ends with inevitable ICO token depletion.
Token Allocation
On the ADAMANT MainNet a genesis wallet for the ADAMANT team will reserve a total of 98,000,000 ADM exist in total.
Initial emission distribution:
● 75% (73,500,000 ADM) — Wallet for ICO campaign maintaining
● 4% (3,920,000 ADM) — reserve for system development and infrastructure support
● 4% (3,920,000 ADM) — ADAMANT Business Service marketing reserve
● 9% (8,820,000 ADM) — initial Investors’ rewards
● 8% (7,840,000 ADM) — Adoption wallet for Bounty Campaigns and initial user assessments
Use of ICO Proceeds
● Infrastructure support — 10%
○ Servers
○ Staff salary
● Development — 30%
○ Staff salary
○ Office space renting and maintaining
○ Technical equipment and its support
○ Listing on cryptocurrency exchanges (markets)
○ Consulting with industry experts
● External security and code auditions (reviews) — 10%
● Users involvement — 50%
○ Offline promotion campaigns and conferences participation
○ Staff salary
○ Contextual advertising
○ Advertising on crypto resources
○ Writing and publishing thematic articles and posts
Source: ICO Alert